North Park Cafeteria is a sad sight. The pizza is caked in hard cheese and grease, the prices are sky high and the salads are limp and small. In an effort to become more "health aware" the school cafeteria has given up foods that students like and find edible in favor of foods not worth half the price they are.
Because of the health program the Grand Erie District School Board has put in place, the cafeteria not only gave up Pizza Pizza's pizza, but decided to decrease all portion sizes, make their pizzas whole wheat, their bagels whole wheat, their wraps whole wheat and their pasta whole wheat. Now, I'm not a health guru but i know whole wheat is not the only key to health. I also know eating "less" isn't the only way to becoming healthier either. Taking certain foods out of the cafeteria and vending machines that students enjoy isn't encouraging them to have a healthy lifestyle. It's encouraging them to go across the road for lunch to eat at Pizza Pizza.
If school's really want to tackle the problem of obesity, they shouldn't just be blaming caffeinated coke in the vending machine and white bread. Instead of making our cafeteria a place that student's avoid because of the whole wheat "healthy" pasta concoctions, it should have a variety of attractive foods that students enjoy. Tackling the increasing health problems in children and teens has a lot to do with food choices but instead of scaring teens away with strange looking chicken wraps and whole wheat pizza, School's should take a more active role in preventing bad health choices. This could be done by making health classes and gym mandatory until grade 12, that way schools can encourage activity alongside the teaching of healthy food choices. Student's should be learning about healthy food, not forced into eating whole wheat cafeteria food without knowing the benefits.
As of right now, North Park cafeteria is not encouraging health but scaring people away from it. Even I would rather march across the road in -15 degrees Celsius weather for a decent piece of pizza. The school board needs to either jump full swing into a health program for teens or not at all; because this "half-assery" of a cafeteria is not helping anyone.
hahahahahahaha.... ewwwwwwwww
You had me until I saw the Squeez Bacon...seriously, add that one to my food phobia list! Yuck! Back to your post...great job. Excellent opinion piece with a solid format followed. Well done Laura!